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Top questions we get asked
  • If I have a flatmate can we pay rent together on GoodPlaces?

    GoodPlaces makes it easy for roommates to sign up individually and link their accounts together. Once linked together, roommate can pay rent to renter and renter will pay to lister.

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  • Does it make sense to pay my rent on my Credit Card?

    The answer is it depends on your situation. If you’re using your credit card because you need to pay your rent on time, improve your credit score or have a card that gives you cash back or airline points, it probably makes sense to pay your rent using a credit card.

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  • How much does this cost?

    It depends on the amount of the rent and also it will be based on the percentage of per transaction on the credit card depending if its visa/master card per transaction mode.

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  • Currently I’m paying with a cheque. How do I sign up for electronic payments?

    You must sign up with GoodPlaces for electronic payments to your Lister and your Lister also must sign up with GoodPlaces for online payments to take place.

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  • Why would I pay my rent on GoodPlaces?

    It made easier using the latest technology through GoodPlaces Payment channel and safes your time from queuing in the banks and it’s also paperless. Make the world a greener place.

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  • Can I pay rent in advance using my credit card?

    You can make a time payment or set a recurring payment.

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  • What happen if my credit card expires?

    GoodPlaces is not responsible for the expiry of the credit card, it is the renter responsibility to ensure that the credit card is valid. But renter can option to pay through his bank account if he has money in the account and can also pay by direct debit.

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  • Can I pay rent in advance using my credit card?

    You can make a time payment or set a recurring payment.

  • Is my credit card detail is safe?

    GoodPlaces protects your information with multiple layers of security, including data encryption. Our cloud infrastructure protects your data 24/7. Encryption brings a higher level of security and privacy to our services. When you are performing transaction like create a record or send an email the data you create moves between your device. We protect data with multiple layers of security, including leading encryption technology like HTTPS and Transport Layer Security. Besides that, your data is secured & protected under Personal Data Protection Act which governed by Malaysian government in 2010 to protect individual’s personal data in commercial transactions.

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  • Can I use two different cards to pay my rent?

    Yes, you can only use multiple card to pay your rent payment. we support split payments where you can select card/bank and wallet together in one go.

  • Do I get immediate confirmation from GoodPlaces once my credit card is charged?

    Yes, you will be receiving a notice from GoodPlaces through email.

  • My lister doesn’t use GoodPlaces. Can I still Pay with GoodPlaces?

    NO. it is mandatory you to be part of GoodPlaces and agrees to terms and condition of the GoodPlaces to receive payments.

  • Does it make sense to pay my rent on my Credit Card?

    The answer is it depends on your situation. If you’re using your credit card because you need to pay your rent on time, improve your credit score or have a card that gives you cash back or airline points, it probably makes sense to pay your rent using a credit card.

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  • How do I know if my rent is paid to my Lister or not?

    You will be receiving an email with details of the rent payment.

  • Can I pay my rent on the due date?

    You need to pay in advance few days to get your rent payment to your listers by the due date. It takes 3-5 working days to process the transaction to take place. This will ensure your rent is always paid on time.

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  • My card was declined, but I have money in my account and my rent is due! Can GoodPlaces help me?

    Yes, you can authorise GoodPlaces to direct debit your bank account to make the payment to lister.

  • How do I stop a rent payment?

    Just log in to your account and select upcoming payments section and ‘Stop payment’ button will appear, you only must click, and your payment is stopped. Please make sure that it does not default your current rental to avoid any misunderstanding.

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  • Currently I’m paying with a check. How do I sign up for electronic payments?

    You must sign up with GoodPlaces for electronic payments to your Lister and your Lister also must sign up with GoodPlaces for online payments to take place.

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  • How much does this cost?

    It depends on the amount of the rent and also it will be based on the percentage of per transaction on the credit card depending if its visa/master card per transaction mode.

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  • Does GoodPlaces accept cheques?

    GoodPlaces gives renters the ability to pay their rent using a credit or debit card. This gives your renter greater flexibility and convenience to pay you on time. Multiple payments can also be set for future payments.

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For Lister
  • Can GoodPlaces do maintenance of my property for me?

    Maintenance of property is done by property managers and GoodPlaces is not a property management company.

  • Do GoodPlaces have vendors i.e. plumbers, electrician, online?

    Yes, we provide this service.

  • How many properties can I list on GoodPlaces?

    As many as you want provided its all genuine and exist.

  • Is there any charges if I list more than 1 property?

    There are few packages that you can choose please log in to to get more details.

  • What happen if the renter refuses to pay me my rent?

    Lister is insured for 2 months rental by insurance and other damages as per the insurance policy.

  • Is the renter screened before he/she wants to rent my property?

    The Lister can request a credit check from GoodPlaces, but the renter has to consent to it.

For Renters
  • Why does GoodPlaces charge me to pay my rent?

    We are only charging for the transaction of your credit card which is very minimal, and registration is free for you to register on GoodPlaces. We try not to charge by providing free registration but in the event of credit card we must charge because its according to the banking law. We wish didn't have to charge you, but we do in order to cover the fees that are incurred to process your payment we have to charge.

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  • How does GoodPlaces pay my lister?

    We are furbished with listers account details and we will direct debit to lister account once the payment is in GoodPlaces account. It’s an automated payment system. Mobile technology has made renting easier on you.

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  • If I have a flatmate can we pay rent together on GoodPlaces?

    GoodPlaces makes it easy for roommates to sign up individually and link their accounts together. Once linked together, roommate can pay rent to renter and renter will pay to lister.

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  • Why would I pay my rent on GoodPlaces?

    It made easier using the latest technology through GoodPlaces Payment channel and safes your time from queuing in the banks and it’s also paperless. Make the world a greener place.

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  • Can the lister accept rent payment if it comes from GoodPlaces?

    Yes, This is clearly will be stated in the agreement that the rent payment will be direct debited to the listers bank account once the payment is in GoodPlaces account. So the should be no problems in lister receiving payment from GoodPlaces.

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  • How do I keep track of my rent payment?

    Yes. You can by logging in and checking your past and future transaction through GoodPlaces system. All your past payments will be recorded in the transactions.

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  • Lister didn't get my rent?

    We at GoodPlaces are committed in ensuring all transaction are processed on time and will be monitored 24/7 by our highly specialised IT team who will monitoring all transaction in real time to avoid any delay. But of course under certain circumstance like system is down or banking system is under construction or credit cards failure from being debited due to unforeseen situation we will always make sure that all payment is paid on time to lister.

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  • Can my flatmate see my credit or debit information?

    No. Only you have access to see and modify your payment details.

  • What is GoodPlaces?

    GoodPlaces is an online marketplace for people to find, list, rent and manage places. We’re an enthusiastic, ambitious start-up, on a mission to revolutionize the way you rent by creating smarter technology to automate and simplify the rental process. GoodPlaces is a simple, intelligent platform where renters and listers connect, share documents, make payments, manage rentals and stay in touch with each other. We’re passionate about helping renters and listers better manage their rents. Innovation never ends. This is just the beginning. GoodPlaces is a platform for lister to advertise their property and for renter to search for a property for rent or lease. It is designed to cater for a tailored search for properties to the expectation of the renter. It is fully automated for property leasing and rental properties. Managing your landed property or condominium or commercial properties easier and affordable.

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  • Can GoodPlaces provide me legal assistant?

    Yes, we have lawyers on panel to assist our Lister.

  • Can GoodPlaces help me to sell my property?

    No, we only provide renting solution to renter, lister.

  • Can GoodPlaces send someone to check on my property if needed?

    Yes, GoodPlaces can send someone to check the property but there will be some payments involved.

  • Do I get any commission if I introduce a lister or a renter to GoodPlaces?

    Currently we are not practising it.

  • What if the lister wants to terminate the agreement?

    It will be referred to the tenancy agreement signed by both renter and Lister.

  • Can I run a test payment to see if this works before using it to pay my rent?

    For security and fraud prevention, we don't allow non-rent payments to be sent through GoodPlaces system.

  • For more info who do I talk to?

    You can contact us if you have questions at and if you need support assistance you may contact us at

  • If the renter refuses to evict upon expiry of the tenancy agreement, will GoodPlaces help to evict the renter?

    GoodPlaces will help in legal Assistant accordingly.